Main Technical Features:
- J-Scray and draw NIP Assemble
- Entry frame with Tension adjustment
- Saturator Box with heavy duty 10-ton NIP for heavy squeeze
- 12 pieces of drums give the best timing for the fabrics
- Chain-Clip Stenter, Stabilizing zone
- 4-Header high Efficiency suction system
- 2-Roll, 10-Ton draw Nip
- Steam Wash Box
- Lubrication Box, 2-Roll, 10-Ton Nip
- With the special design and super strong structure and material, the 9-roll skew give the best performance for the skew adjustment.
- Three stacks (36 Cans) of Dryer system
- The folder consists of one set of sew
- Gear Box and AC Motor (2.2KW)
- Kitchen Platform and Tanks
- Auto PH Control unit
- Drive and Control System
- AC Drive System with automation field Control Technology
- Remote Access Monitoring and Control
For fabrics used in the Denim Industry, mercerization can be used for keeping dye on the surface of the yarns or fabrics and to prevent dyes from fully penetrating the fibres. Mercerization is a chemical treatment used on cotton. In addition to increasing the fabric luster, it also improves its strength.